Setting Priorities: It’s Not Just for Field Operations

As triage experts during emergencies, first responders would seem to be naturals at establishing personal and professional priorities. After all, triage requires them to evaluate victims and situations to make on-the-spot decisions that often have life or death consequences. Thus in non-life threatening conditions, setting priorities would seem to be a walk in the park. [Continue Reading…]

Public Safety Insights Newsletter – December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 How to Ensure Your Data Tell a Compelling Story Public Safety Insight: To maximize the effectiveness of your data, put them in a context that has meaning for your intended audience. Do your data tell the story you intend to convey to your audience? Is the message received [Continue Reading…]

Accountability: It’s Not Just for Field Operations

Throughout my varied career, I understood “accountability” to mean that people are held responsible for doing what they are supposed to do, with consequences for poor or non-performance. It wasn’t until several months into a project with a client that I discovered that the fire and rescue service uses this term in a very specific [Continue Reading…]

Public Safety Insights Newsletter – December 18

December 18, 2013 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 How to Change the Public Safety Conversation Public Safety Insight: To change the conversation about public safety, change the question. The way you define and discuss any issue determines the likelihood that you can resolve or address it successfully. "Framing" means to put something in perspective so you [Continue Reading…]

Framing: A Critical Leadership Skill

Although there are many aspects of our lives over which we have little or no control, the fact is that we ALWAYS get to choose how we experience any given situation. Framing means putting something in perspective so you and others can understand it quickly and accurately. It is an essential leadership skill because it [Continue Reading…]

Public Safety Insights Newsletter – December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 Are You Measuring the Right Things? Public Safety Insight: The most influential, indispensable measures of an agency’s impact are those that demonstrate its contribution to the community’s well-being. What do your measures say about your agency’s priorities? Do they emphasize its activities and performance? Or do they demonstrate [Continue Reading…]

Public Safety Insights Newsletter – November 20, 2013

  November 20, 2013 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 The Power of Asking, “What’s Your Job?” Public Safety Insight: To increase performance, re-focus employees’ attention from their tasks to the agency’s purpose by asking, “What’s your job?”   If you ask your employees, “What’s your job?,” what percentage of them would respond by listing their ranks/titles, [Continue Reading…]

How to Inspire Employees to Engage in Community Service Activities

Recently, a PIO asked me for advice about how to get recruits and members involved in the department’s community service activities. I told him that his message must be compelling. The fastest way to grab any audience’s attention is to tell them up front what’s in it for them to do whatever it is you’re [Continue Reading…]

Public Safety Insights Newsletter November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 To Maximize Success, Begin with the End in Mind Public Safety Insight: For any project or mission, agree on a clear desired outcome before you consider the tactics and inputs.   What are the benefits of beginning a project with the end in mind? Compelling results: employees and [Continue Reading…]

Public Safety Insights Newsletter

Public Safety Insights is a concise, bi-weekly newsletter letter written specifically to help first responders maximize their performance.  It focuses not just on WHAT to do to remove obstacles to performance, but offers practical tips on HOW to achieve organizational excellence. You may read it here on my blog, or if you would prefer to [Continue Reading…]