As triage experts during emergencies, first responders would seem to be naturals at establishing personal and professional priorities. After all, triage requires them to evaluate victims and situations to make on-the-spot decisions that often have life or death consequences. Thus in non-life threatening conditions, setting priorities would seem to be a walk in the park. [Continue Reading…]
Accountability: It’s Not Just for Field Operations
Throughout my varied career, I understood “accountability” to mean that people are held responsible for doing what they are supposed to do, with consequences for poor or non-performance. It wasn’t until several months into a project with a client that I discovered that the fire and rescue service uses this term in a very specific [Continue Reading…]
Public Safety Insights Newsletter – December 18
December 18, 2013 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 How to Change the Public Safety Conversation Public Safety Insight: To change the conversation about public safety, change the question. The way you define and discuss any issue determines the likelihood that you can resolve or address it successfully. "Framing" means to put something in perspective so you [Continue Reading…]